General Information
This Park and natural area was established through the generosity of the Perrin family for all who appreciate the great outdoors. The Park is private property and is owned and operated by the Perrin Family Park Foundation, INC. The public are “invited” guests of the Foundation. As guests, they are welcome so long as the following rules and regulations, as well as State and Federal laws are observed.
OPEN: April 1 thru October 31. April - Sept. hours are 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Oct. hours are 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. The walking trail is open all year so long as there is no ice or snow on the trail. Winter hours are 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
EMERGENCY CLOSING: The Park may be closed under the following conditions: (a) when facilities are filled, (b) under extreme fire danger, (c)during adverse weather conditions.
GROUP SIZE: Groups of 20 to 100 are permitted to use the facilities and reserve the shelters, but must pre-register at the office.
SHELTER HOUSES: May be reserved for a nominal fee. They can be used on a first come/first serve basis if not reserved. Anyone using the shelter should leave it in the same condition as when they found it. Shelter reservations are not taken until April 1st of the year being reserved.
LITTER: Deposit in provided containers.
SPEED LIMIT: 15 m.p.h. OFF ROAD VEHICLES: Prohibited
MOTORCYCLES AND MOPEDS: Permitted only in designated parking area at just inside the Park
BICYCLES: Bicycles are permitted only on the road and designated parking areas. None are allowed on the trail. Unattended bicycles are to be kept in the provided racks.
PETS: All pets are Prohibited anywhere in the Park.
COLLECTING: Removing leaves, twigs, nuts, fruits, flowers, plants, insects and geological specimens is prohibited.
WILDLIFE: Animals are not to be touched, chased or disturbed. Waterfowl feeding is permitted only at the at the feeding station, located 700 feet from the beginning of the walking trail. Areas along and around the lake are protected. Use ONLY the trail when traveling through these areas.
CHILDREN: Under 12 must be attended by an adult.
GAZEBO: This is a resting place for those walking the trail. It is not a picnic area or gathering place. Please respect others who might want to use the gazebo and limit you visits to 20 minutes.
TRAIL: Foot Traffic Only - NO vehicles, bicycles, skates, skate board, scooters etc. are permitted on the trail.